
Market requirements grow every day. Clients expect their business partners to be reliable and transparent. Therefore, to prove that our services meet the highest quality standards, we have decided to implement effective quality management system and certify our QMS by independent classification societies.

ISO 9001:2015 DNV

In 2016 we have certified our QMS by DNV in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 in following scope: Selling of marine and special purposes cables, electrical components for marine industry. Designing and production of electrical installations on various type of vessels

PRS recognition certificate

In 2016 we have been granted Approval Certificate by Polish Ship Register. We have been approved in following scope of carrying out electrical services of ships: Production, assembly and service of marine automation systems, including computer based and logic controllers systems; production and assembly of electro-energetic systems; making repairs, modernisation and maintenance of power and electrical installations; insulation resistance and dielectric strength measurements electric and energetic installations; production and assembly of emergency power systems.


In 2017 we have obtained NATO CODE of the National Economy Entity (NCAGE-NATO Commercial and Government Entity), granted by the Military Centre for Standardization, Quality Assurance and Codification.