
Marine Window Wipers



SEEMATZ Straight Line Wipers

Wipers offer a perfect performance under all weather conditions.The first choice for owners off high performance vessels „Work Horses“ which must do there Jobeverytime, everywhere.Type approved by Lloyd Register of Shipping and confirmed with the experience of our satisfiedcustomers all around the world. If you choosen SEEMATZ Window Wipers you can be sure to get a unique system.Custom-built to meet your requirements. Particular is Standard.


  • Aluminium housing – seawater resistant, white powder coated
  • Stainless Steel transport system equipped with 4 transport rolls with stainless steel ball bearings
  • 24VDC Motors for max torque power
  • Park position switch – inductive
  • Water pipe
  • Railway heater for safe operation in cold areas
  • Arms up to 1000 mm length
  • Blades up to 1600mm length
  • Designed for input powers of 24VDC or 110/230/440VAC
  • Different Multi-Speed controllers incl. BUS-Steering or Bridge-COM control.